In a distant future, one mouse has become tired of being a lab rat. He is plotting his escape, but any good escape needs a good map! 

In Squeak and Scale our protagonist will be exploring the mazes in the lab trying to memorise them while reaching the exit in time. After each maze, our protagonist will have to draw the map with the rooms, doors and special landmarks. Size matters, therefore the map must be to SCALE.

There are 8 mazes to complete. Can you do it? 


Explore mode:

  •  ASWD - move
  • Space - sprint

Map mode:

  • Drag rooms into the right position. Be sure to choose the right size. Scale matters.
  • Click on doors to place/remove them
  • Drag the right landmarks to the right rooms. You can hold shift to drag them (otherwise you drag rooms)
  • Remove rooms by dragging them outside the map area and remove landmarks by dragging them outside a room.
  • Don't forget to add the exit doors



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I love the little squeaker! The style feels very fitting.